Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Time is Standing Still

 Is it just me or has time been going really REALLY slowwwwww the past 3 weeks? Sometimes I even feel like the clock is working backwards! I tell ya, the more excited I get the slower time goes. With that said, my new plan is to stay off of Pinterest, Target, and all other baby idea sites this week to see if time moves any quicker. If you know me then you know that staying off of Pinterest, even for a day, is a BIG feat so let's see how long I last. My bet is I last one day, I don't have much faith in myself when it comes to controlling my pinning lol

Good news is this is only a 3 and a half-ish day work week for me and then I get to go visit some of my greatest friends in Jacksonville! Totally looking forward to some cooler weather for fall festivities! This 90 degree weather in the middle of October is not my idea of fall (which just so happens to be my favorite season)

Lows in the 40s and Highs in the 70s! Hello fall, it's about time you show your beautiful face!

Hmmmm.... what else is there to update y'all on? Oh yea how could I forget! Went to the doctor last Thursday and heard the baby's heart beat. Doctor said it sounded perfect. It is so amazing that even though she/he is just the size of a navel orange (according to The Bump) that we can hear the heart beat so strong and fast. I like to believe that is because there is a LOT of love in that little heart. 

My belly is growing... slowly but surely. Yesterday I swear I could feel it happening! Certainly not the most comfortable feeling I've ever felt.

Here is my 14 week picture
 (Please ignore our messy room)

I have decided this is going to be my weekly picture taking shirt because it's pretty stretchy. If in 3 weeks the baby turns out to have grown those boy things, then I will switch to a blue tank top. Now if the next 3 weeks could just fly by that would be GREAT!!!

So far in week 15:
I crave: Ramen noodles (as horrible as that sounds they are delicious to me this week.. and last week lol)
I weigh: 124 lbs
I feel: Still feeling anxious, a bit overwhelmed, excited, happy, and sleepy (working 7-6 is kicking my butt)

Well, time to get back to work for me, hope y'all have a wonderfully blessed week

**Thank you to my friends (cough cough, Brett) who keep me on track with updating my blog. I have an amazing support system and love and appreciate everyone we get to share this amazing journey with.

Friday, October 11, 2013

I Just Couldn't Help Myself

So I went to Kohl's yesterday with the intention of buying a baby shower gift for a friend. I swore to myself I was not going to look at baby clothes, it was going to be a quick in and out trip... grab a gift and go!
Well I should have known better than to think I could go in there and not buy something for this sweet baby (girl as of right now) growing inside of me. As soon as I walked into that baby section I was DOOMED!

First of all, how on earth was I supposed to say no to this?????

If they had a matching adult size I would have bought that too! (Yes I am going to be one of those moms)

And then I saw this! How could I not buy this? 

If you could say no to either of these outfits I need to borrow you to come shopping with me and keep me away from the baby section of EVERY store!

I have been spending hours every day looking at Pinterest, Target, BuyBuy Baby, and Walmart...completely overwhelming myself with all of the different baby stuff out there. I had to break down and buy something, anything before I drove myself crazy! I have been having anxiety for the past week and I think it was due to the fact that my shopping obsession was quickly put on hold when I found out we are going to be having a baby. Needless to say, I feel a little better now that I got some shopping out of my system :)

Now let's just hope the baby is actually a girl like the ultrasound tech believes because I want to keep these precious little outfits. I kept my receipt though and obviously we will be equally as happy if it does happen to grow one of those boy things between now and November 14th. Which by the way, November 14th needs to HURRY UP PLEASE!!!! We want to stop calling the baby an it and give her/him a name!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Good News Friends

Despite what the first ultrasound picture indicated.... I am actually carrying a human.... not a gummy bear looking alien.

How exciting!! 

Today marks 12 weeks and 4 days; we are in the home stretch of the first trimester!!!

When I think back to the day before we found out, I could have never imagined we were going to be blessed with the news of a baby but now I can't imagine life any differently. Although we are nearing the beginning of the second trimester already the time seems to be going very slowlyyyyyyy!!! I will blame part of that on my urge to shop but I can't shop without knowing what the baby is going to be.

I wasn't going to share this publicly but the ultrasound tech put her money on a girl BUT nothing is for certain until November. Good thing we've already decided on super cute PERFECT bedding for a girl 

(By My Baby Sam)

or AWESOME outdoorsy little boy bedding

(By Lambs & Ivy)

Can you tell I have been busy obsessing over what I want to buy once we finally know what the baby will be? That's the fun part isn't it? With that said we will be happy either way, all we pray for is a healthy happy baby and pregnancy. 

This week so far:
I crave: Nothing really except I REALLY want Zip'z pizza for dinner tonight!!
I weigh: 122.6 lbs
I feel: Energized, Excited, and Anxious

Today was a really exciting day, we saw our little munchkin move, saw the heart beat and fell even more in love!