Thursday, November 28, 2013

We Have Reached the Halfway Mark

Can you believe we are halfway? Time was going by so slow there for a while and now we are suddenly at week 20!! Week 20 has been my favorite week so far because I can feel Hadley move around more than ever, it is so exciting! She really likes letting me know she's in there. It's incredible. This week is also awesome because Thanksgiving happens to fall right in the middle of it. Aside from the delicious food I plan on devouring (I am so using the "I have to feed two excuse" these next few days), we truly have A LOT to be thankful for this holiday. Last Thanksgiving I never could have imagined that I would be pregnant this thanksgiving but I am so thankful for this wonderful gift the good Lord has blessed us with. We are so lucky to be able to spend the holiday season with our families and I hope everyone remembers what the holiday season is really about. Faith, Family, and Love.

I had my first official "pregnancy brain" episode yesterday when I was baking pumpkin rolls for my sister. I lined up all of my ingredients as I do when I am baking: the flour, the sugar, the baking powder, the cinnamon.... ok you get the picture. So when it was time to use the baking powder I was really confused when I didn't see it in my line. I looked in the cabinet where I keep it and it was no where to be found. A few frustrating minutes later I went to get a spoon out of the drawer to mix what I had of the ingredients together and HEY THERE'S THE BAKING POWDER

Don't know how or why it ended up in the utensil drawer 
but my excuse is the "pregnancy brain"

Despite the baking powder mishap, the pumpkin rolls came out delicious and my sister will love me for another year now :)

A little update on my is getting huge!! Well to me anyway. I am now weighing in between 126 and 128 pounds depending on what time of day I jump on the scale. I am loving and embracing the baby bump now though and enjoy showing it off.... here are some pictures and no that belly is not food induced, it is all baby Hadley. 

With the Christmas season flying up on us I decided it was time to take some announcement pictures to include in our Christmas cards this year. Here is a little sneak peak of our Thanksgiving photo sesh. Thank you to my sister for her photo taking skills and thank you to Andrew for putting up with me making you take 100+ pictures. Love you babe!

I am still feeling really great these days and hope it continues this way right up until the very end (please, please Lord let it)!! I really hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and got to enjoy family, friends, and food of course! I am still stuffed from our 2 o clock dinner so I'd say the day was a success. Looking forward to the upcoming weeks of Christmas decorating, baking and shopping, work party, other holiday festivities and VACATION!!!!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

He or She?

On November 14th we finally found out what we had been sooooo patiently (ok... maybe not so patiently) waiting for.... our precious little one is a girl!!! Yep, that's right Hadley Rose will be joining our family in April, 2014. We can't wait to meet her!

Although we found out on the 14th, we tortured our family and friends by making them wait one more day to find out at the gender reveal party.

It was fun seeing what every one thought baby Turner would be 

and then hearing the love and excitement in the room when they finally saw baby Turner is a girl!!!

Little Hadley Rose is already so loved and so spoiled 

We weren't expecting gifts, we just wanted everyone together to find out that baby Turner is a girl. It was so sweet to open up her first gifts though. She got her first owl,  SUPER soft blankey, super cute crab blankey,  first tooth and curl keepsake, diapers, and


Funny story behind these tiny boots... they are from a very good family friend (actually a family of friends) that did NOT know for certain that Hadley was actually a Hadley but she said that ever since the day I told her I was pregnant she just had a feeling the baby was a girl. So after we cut the cake and her feeling was confirmed she went out to the car to bring in the girly gifts. They are so precious and perfect!

Hadley is going to love owls just like her daddy and soft blankets and boots just like her mommy :)

We are so grateful and blessed to have such a great group of family and friends!

After being at home with a cold yesterday, I came into work this morning to a cute surprise for Hadley......
 Another pair of PRECIOUS PINK boots

At the rate she is going she will have more boots than her momma before she's even born!

At the beginning of week 19
I crave: Nothing really, although those salt and vinegar chips I packed in Andrew's lunch this morning sound REALLY good right about now 
I weigh: about 126lbs
I feel: REALLY excited for the next few months, blessed, grateful, extremely happy, loved

Can you believe we are nearly half way there! Can't wait to meet our baby girl!

I just want to share this short verse with you because it really touched my heart today:

Psalm 107:1
Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever!


Thursday, November 7, 2013

Pink or Blue, We Already Love You!!!

7 days and counting (oh so anxiously counting) until we find out what Baby Turner is!! If you haven't noticed, we are pretty excited! Actually, there are not enough words in the dictionary to express our excitement for next Thursday!

We are halfway into week 17 now and I think it is safe to say that I have finally experienced that whole "popping" thing people talk about. So here it is:

 Would ya look at that belly!!!

It is quite amazing to see how far I've come if you look all the way back to week 5:

... it is becoming really real now. Bye bye tiny tummy

So my friends, I have a confession to make....Pinterest got the best of me AGAIN! I feel ok about it this time though because I am not the only one this week!! One of my best friends just discovered how awesome Pinterest truly is... she is now addicted as well. Because of Pinterest and all of the incredibly cute ideas it gives me on a daily basis, we are now planning a small gender reveal party. I want to have pictures to look back on and I think it will be a good memory to have :) I also want our families to find out together; I figure this is the perfect way to make that happen. Plus it's a good excuse to have a little PARTY and who doesn't love a party??
Anyway, without giving away too many details about the party (because there will be plenty of pictures to follow) here are a few of the ideas I may steal from good ol' Pinterest:

I love this!
 I would love to see what everyone thinks our sweet baby is

I think this is super cute and perfect for a simple party favor

Pink and Blue Beverages, AWESOME!

A half pink and half blue table is a must!

I am still looking for more ideas so if you've ever hosted a gender reveal party or have any great ideas please post about them, I would love to hear your stories and suggestions :)

Friday, November 1, 2013

And The Countdown Begins

13 more days until we find out what our little sweet pea is! (I am trying to do everything I can to not call the baby "it" so if you find me using all sorts of silly names just go along with it friends.... soon this little munchkin will have a name!!)

My baby bump is starting to become more of an actual "baby bump" and less of an "I look like I eat too much bump"

( I usually hate mirror selfies but I had to)

I have some pretty exciting news this week! Pretty sure I felt our little love muffin move a few times in my tummy!!! It was a very weird feeling at first but now I find myself eager to feel it again, and again, and again. Feels like a little fish swishing around in there and then like a butterfly flapping it's tiny wings sometimes. I am really looking forward to the next ultrasound (13 days from now) so I can see if I feel it when we can actually see our little bean move on the monitor.

Although every day seems to go by so incredibly slow, I can't believe it is already November! So much to look forward to in the next 5 months.... My birthday, Thanksgiving, North Carolina VACATION, Christmas, New Year, Baby Shower, Bridal Shower (for one of my bestest friends), Bachelorette PARTY, wedding (she is going to make the most beautiful bride), and then the baby will be here. I have a feeling it is going to go by a lot quicker than I think. I figure this is the perfect time of year to be prego because there are so many awesome FOOD holidays (I love me some pumpkin pie and whipped cream!!!).

Ok one more thing....

Call me crazy but.....

I HAD to! Some little shopping devil on my shoulder MADE me! So I did it, I bought the one thing, ok well the set of things, that I have been so anxious to buy! Super girly pink and green paisley bedding for the crib (which we will start looking for soon). I just couldn't pass it up! I got such an awesome deal and if you know me then you know I'm not one to pass up a bargain. If it just so happens that our little princess is actually a little prince don't worry I have saved my receipt and it can be exchanged for something a little, well something a lot more, boyish :)

Hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween yesterday and Happy Birthday to my Mommy  and Andrew's Mommy today! Love you both