Tuesday, March 4, 2014

We Are So Blessed

What a gorgeous baby shower I had! We are so blessed and thankful to have such awesome family and friends. Hadley was showered with precious gifts and necessities and I feel like one lucky girl! Anna, my mom, and sister worked so hard decorating the night before and the morning of. The club house decorations were beautiful and so creative! I wanted to cry when I walked in and saw what they had gone out of their way to for Hadley and I. I do not think a million thank yous would be enough for them and all of those that came to share the special day. It was more perfect than I could have imagined; it will be a day I will never forget. Here are some pics :)

Diaper cake Anna made for Hadley

Lucky onesies for decoration


That's me - the mommy to be

Hand stitched quilt for Hadley from my God Mother's mom

Loved loved the Hadley boxes! And all of her awesome gifts too!

This Baby Shower decoration was such a fun idea and perfect for the occassion

Photo booth fun

My gorgeous and delicious cake

My sister and I playing with the photo booth

The lovely ladies who worked so hard on the baby shower. Love them!

I love prego bellies and since I have one of my own right now I am mildly obsessed with making sure we get lots and lots of pictures of it. The morning of my baby shower we woke up at 5:30 to go take sunrise maternity pictures and I could not be more pleased with how they turned out. Photo credits and a BIG ol thank you to my sister for taking them for us.

Now that both of my baby showers are over with (the wonderful ladies in my office also threw me a nice shower last week and again spoiled Hadley with lots of great gifts and my boss bought us the stroller/car seat travel system we wanted) we are getting down to the wire- 41 ish days to go until she is here!! We are so so so excited to meet this little girl we already love so much but I think I can wait another six weeks, not sure I will be ready any sooner than that. Can't wait to hold and love on her but I will miss feeling her little and sometimes not so little movements in my belly. I have grown to love the feeling so much and I also love the looks her daddy gets on his face when he feels her move as well. Can't wait to see the look on his face when he holds her for the first time!

I am finally starting to feel really pregnant now in week 34. Aside from this belly that seems to be growing by the day, my feet are getting sore and start to swell by the end of the day, I'm sure still attempting to wear heels doesn't help the matter but thankfully I have my own personal foot rubber at home :) It's funny, sometimes I forget how big my belly has gotten and try to fit in a space I could before I had it only to be reminded that I can no longer squeeze myself into such places. I have really enjoyed being pregnant so far and hope these last 6 weeks continue to be as pleasant as the last 33 have been.

This weekend we plan to set up the crib, move the piece of furniture I plan to turn into a changing table up stairs, play/practice with the stroller and car seat, and finish up the few last minute things we have to do to prepare for her arrival. The only big item we have left to buy is a crib mattress which is not as easy of a decision as I thought it would be. I have read a lot of reviews and am leaning towards this 
Safety First Heavenly Dreams Mattress

I plan on making the purchase in the next week so if anyone has any suggestions as far as crib mattresses go they would be much appreciated :) This first time momma is a bit overwhelmed with all of the information out there; I have tried not to get too crazy about all of it. Just today someone gave me some advice I really needed and that was "God Himself chose you to be Hadley's mom out of all the people on the planet. Well intentioned friends & family can give advice. Trust your instincts for what's best for your family." 

A little update on me in week 34:

Weight: I have gained 18 pounds as of our check up last week - maybe 20 now after the ice cream cake I ate at 10:00 am yesterday. A girls got to indulge every once in a while and I only have 6 more weeks to use the I'm pregnant excuse so I'm allowed :)

Cravings: From the mouth of my amazing and oh so silly boyfriend,  there are still no 3 am "I want a hot dog covered with peanut butter and jelly" cravings. 

Feeling: Like there is a balloon being blown up in my belly, seriously excited, and slightly nervous

And to finish today's update, here is my weekly bikini picture update

Have a great week! 

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